It is very important to have a clean and tidy working environment. Is your business large or small, cleanliness can be a very important factor for good employee performance.
If you choose us to do your office cleaning, we will be responsible for professional, complete and thorough cleaning throughout the office. We follow our Office Cleaning Task List, which will cover every corner of your office or business building to complete the cleaning job.
Use our professional cleaners to create a hygienic, comfortable and attractive working environment. Our office cleaning requires a minimum of 2 hours per session on a weekly basis and 3 hours per session fortnightly.
General Office Areas
Toilet/Kitchen Areas
For affordable office cleaning please see our price list page.
If you would like to enquire about employing staff through the agency, please call us on 07770629297; 07728505718 or 02083909431 or fill out our enquiry form and we will be back to you as soon as possible.